Few weeks back, I found among those daily fwd's that crowded my inbox a ppt file that a friend had emailed me. The ppt was titled "Power of Emptiness", and the text quoted from Joseph Newton's "Principle of Emptiness".
I was attracted to the quotes from Newton's "Principle of Emptiness". Indeed, they struck a cord deep inside. They seemed to be directed to me, these words:
If you are in a habit of hoarding useless objects, thinking that one day, who knows when, you may need them? ...
And inside,
Have you got the habit to keep reproaches, resentment, sadness, fears and more?
Yup. That's me alright. My office is basically clusters of old work files, notes, old books and magazines, and piles and piles of used papers and old newspapers which I intend to send for recycling. And my home, yep, not much different there ... my drawers, closets and corners are stacked with old, useless stuff, from clothings to old tools to old magazines and newspapers. They are all there because...who knows, I might need them one day...
Of course, that one day never seem to come...
More often than not, I'd forgotten what I had kept and hoard. So I'd just go buy new stuff anyways... And the things just seem to pile up ...year after year.
Receiving my friend's email with that ppt presentation hit me hard with the realization that yes, it is true what is said in the "Principle of Emptiness".
Hoarding useless and old things will take up all the space around you and inside of you. And keeping old emotions especially the hurt, the pain, the reproaches, resentment and anger, and hence, nurturing them, will take up every bit of space inside your heart, inside your soul. Thus, you will not be able to receive and accept new emotions from new events and relationships that are emerging and developing around you and happening to you everyday.
The fact is, the very act of hoarding and keeping the old goes against the nature of prosperity. Newton's principles further says:
'That it is necessary to make room to leave an empty space in order to allow new things to arrive to your life.These Principle of Emptiness works alongside the Law of Attraction, if not enforcing it. Getting rid of the old and the useless, and leaving room and space for the emerging and the new is, indeed, enforcing the Law of Attraction. Creating space and emptiness is essentially expecting and making allowance for new and emerging things to arrive. As the Principle further says:
It is necessary that you get rid of all the useless things that are in you and in your life, in order for prosperity to arrive."
"The force of this emptiness is one that will absorb and attract all that you wish."The Principle of Emptiness enforces the Law of Attraction. Creating emptiness and space without and within me will attract all that I wish. The existence of space and emptiness around you and inside you signals to the universe that you are amply ready to accept and receive prosperity and all that you wish for.
I found exactly the same video as the ppt presentation and post it here. By sharing, I hope I can help some souls out there in much the same manner as it did me.
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